Laboratory Equipment


3 Neck Round Bottom Flask

Uniform wall thickness distribution and round-bottom shape make them ideal for heating
The shape facilitates uniform heating
Accessories, thermometer, column, dropping funnels, boiling capillaries, etc. can be fitted depending upon the application
Generally used in distillation and extraction processes

    3 Neck Round Bottom Flask – Manufacturers and Suppliers

    This three-neck distilling flask with a round bottom and angled necks allows you to connect three components for complex distillations. The 24/29 standard taper necks are designed for use with other ground glass joint glassware.

    This 1000 ml Home Science Tools three neck distilling flask is made of high-quality borosilicate glass (like Pyrex) that can be heated directly in an open flame and will withstand typical laboratory thermal variations common to chemistry processes like heating and cooling.


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